Washington Volunteer Fire and Rescue is always happy to welcome new members willing to serve their community. WVFR runs off countless hours of work put in by an all volunteer staff. Washington runs the most calls in the county offering the best service it can on each and every one. The company is always in need of EMTs, firefighters, and those willing to help out with office work.
Membership is open to those as young as 16 and with any level of previous experience from none at all to those working in the field. Anyone willing to volunteer will receive free training including EMT, Firefighter, and emergency driving classes. These classes are rigorous courses that will prepare you to help better serve your community. WVFR is one of the few department that offers year round member enrollment and no yearly dues or fees. Thanks to county agreements there’s is also a tax credit to the volunteers willing to work hard.
We are a great fit for those in any medical field, for those from a military background, and any one with experience with office work. Anyone wanting to be a part of something bigger and truly make a difference in the lives of others should join. If WVFR sounds right to you please feel free to stop by the station or call (540)675-3615 to talk to a member about joining. The membership process is very easy all you need to do is fill out the application provided at the station and attend two monthly meeting to be introduced to everyone and be voted in.
There is never a dull moment at the station as work activities of cleaning, repairing, administration take place. Vehicles must be checked, all equipment functional, removal and exchange of expired medications and equipment, fire pumps operational, small equipment for fire cleaned and operational, etc. and there is always hose to be cleaned and put back on trucks after fires.