Ambulance 1B
Affectionately called “Big Red” by the membership 1B has been the workhorse of the department for many years but is approaching retirement.
Ambulance 1
Our newest medic that features the latest in safety and patient care equipment Ambulance 1 was placed into service in 2021 and will serve the community for many years to come.
Utility 1
A Ford 350, bought in 2007 takes providers and firefighters arriving after other apparatus have responded to the scene and brings back dirty hose, etc. Utility 1 is also a first responder unit licensed by the state. The utility was bought with money donated to the department through a will of a resident in the area. We thank her for this contribution to our department.
Engine 1
Tanker 1
A 2008 KME Tanker arrived in November 2008! | The 2000 gallon tanker is a engine/tanker with CAFS. (compressed air foam system) Equipped like Engine 1 with up to date equipment and Thermal Imager and Gas meter. Tandem rear wheels make this piece very stable. Though 33′ long it is very maneuverable in tight places. Our policy to to use as a tanker and shuttle water. However, this piece has been the first on scene and was used as the attack pumper as it has a full assignment of hose lays. |
Attack 1

Our 2000 Attack vehicle
Brush 1
Our 2018 Brush Truck |
The brush truck is a custom 2018 Ford F-350. |
Hazard Materials Trailer
Rappahannock County has a containment trailer for leaks. It has booms, fluff, suits, and equipment to dam and dike for a fuel leak. This trailer also serves as a mass causality trailer. The trailer is usually pulled by Attack 1 and has been used a number of times for containment of fluids from spills but never used for Mass Causality, thank goodness.