Hall Rental

Washington Volunteer Fire and Rescue has a very roomy hall that is open for public use at a very low cost. The hall is large enough to accommodate most events. We are open to private parties or organized dinners, we also welcome meetings or classes that wish to use our facility. To anyone wishing to use the hall with a for profit activity you are more than welcome. Our kitchen is also available for those that would like to use it with a small extra fee. Guest WIFI access to our reliable internet is always available with reservation. WVFR rents our hall among the lowest cost in the area. We view renting our hall as a community duty and therefore strive to keep costs as low as possible. Below is a detailed list of costs, for any further information we ask that you contact the station at 675-3615 and as always any and all funds go directly to serving the community.

  • Security Deposit:
    • For Profit/ Fundraising Activities……………….. $150.00
    • Other than profit events ……………………….. $75.00


  • Base Pricing:
    • Private parties/Organization Dinners………….. $150.00
    • Meetings/Classes/Parties (30 or fewer) ……… $100.00
    • For Profit or Fundraising Activities ….Per day  $150.00**


  • Extras:
    • Kitchen use for food prep……………………… $75.00
    • Night before set up…………………………….. $50.00
    • Dancing …………………………………………. $50.00


** A donation is requested at equal to 10% of gross receipts per day.


The calendar below shows current bookings for our hall.