The March Oyster Dinner was a great hit and social event. Starting at 4 pm and finished at 8 pm. Plenty of oysters – fried, raw, and oyster stew. Danny Huff ran the cooking of oysters in the EMS bay while Hope Huff orchestrated the vegetables and oyster stew. Chief Gary Jenkins conducted the 50/50 and cake auction.
Danny Huff – Fundraising chairman preps the cookers. Doug, Ashley, Shirley, Preston prep Oysters for frying.
Keith keeps oysters warm and fries. Floor layout made easy access to food.
Hanna serves fried and raw oysters while Wendy, Ashleigh, and Amanda serve vegetables, ham and bread.
Crystal, Lizzy and George serve deserts. Loretta handled the drinks.
Hope Huff managed the kitchen with help of Connie, cooking vegetable and oyster stew.
Bobby Smoot was floor manager. Keeping workers straight and food on the line.